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Titel: Destination Proxima Centauri B
Composer: Mathias Wehr
Duration: 10.00 Min.
Grade: 4
Instrumentation: Wind Band


No matter how we turn it around, the fate of the Earth is sealed: It has been certain for many years that in a billion years at the latest, the sun will have become so hot in its interior in the course of the advancing fusion processes, that all water on earth will evaporate and all life will end. Presumably, however, the end will come much sooner. The next impact of an asteroid, which led to the extinction of the dinosaurs, is also statistically overdue. Only the next time, humans would be affected.

But at present it is even more likely that we inhabitants of the Earth will succeed in making our homeland uninhabitable ourselves. Climate catastrophe, overpopulation, nuclear war - these are just some of the conceivable scenarios. Technical progress, such as artificial intelligence or genetically modified viruses, could also become a threat to humanity.

While some stick to the street to prevent the worst, others give up on the planet and look for the next possible way into space. Which is the right way? The fact is, we need a new planet and we don't have much time left. The nearest Earth-like planet is Proxima Centauri B, only 4.2 light years away. Ready for Takeoff?

"Destination Proxima Centauri B" was commissioned by the Stadtkapelle Karben e.V. in spring 2023.




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