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Titel: Infinity
Composer: Mathias Wehr
Duration: 9.00 Min.
Grade: 4
Instrumentation: Wind Band

The work "Infinity" is based on the fairy tale "The Miracle Bird and the Two Paupers" by Franz Xaver von Schönwerth. The composition programmatically reproduces the fairy tale and captures the different moods and feelings of each situation. The deep flute solo is sure to amaze right at the beginning. The miracle bird is no normal blackbird and so the main melody of the composition winds its way majestically into higher registers. This main melody is then varied depending on the course of the fairy tale and finds its climax in the tutti. In the footer of the score there are some quotations from the fairy tale. They serve as an orientation as to which part of the fairy tale is set to music in the composition. This should make the interpretation a little easier. At the beginning of the work, attention should be paid to a balanced orchestral balance. Despite the low register, the flute solo should sound very full and soloistic. In the Allegro section, care must be taken that the percussion instruments do not drown out the orchestra and do not sound too hard when attacked. The division of the various eighth bars is prescribed and also to be conducted. The flute entry in bar 154 should only be given when the tam-tam of the previous bar has almost completely faded away. This creates the necessary calm before the last slow part (slow and dark in tone), which then, just as the piece began, fades away into infinity.

"Infinity" won the international Schönwerth composition competition of the North Bavarian Music Association on October 22, 2011 and was premiered in this context by the "Bläserphilharmonie Regensburg" under the direction of Jörg Seggelke.


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